
Rojeko Dot Com Pvt Ltd is an online shopping store which deals with branded and non branded various products.The company is registered under the company act 2063 in office of the company registrar. Its registration no. 88604/068/069.

Welcome to, where you will find truly crazy & cheap offer prices for the latest and greatest products. We are one of the biggest online shopping site in Nepal. By shopping with us, you can save between 5-50% off retail prices and we feel proud ourselves in offering you a vast range of products ranging from household goods to all electronics products.

As we are an online business, Customres can shop at our site from any part of the world and send gift to Nepal. Our customers can buy products through online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

SBJ Bhawan, Prime Bank Building, Ground Floor, Devkota Sadak, Kathmandu 44601 01-4465788 Website URL